Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4player

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an exciting new 4 player action/adventure game inspired by the arcade classic "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time" and based on hit Nickelodeon animated series. This arcade game completely re-imagines the classic action brawler genre with new level creation, game play difficulty, pacing, and approach-ability all being updated to a standard modern game players are used to.

The game's presentation is top notch featuring the 3-D models from the animated TV show as well as A-list voice talent from Seth Green, Sean Astin, Gilbert Gottfried and more. The arcade cabinet features a large 55" HD screen, illuminated LED buttons & trim, attractive marquee and 4 player terminals all within a compact footprint. This iconic brand spans multiple generations of gamers and is sure to grab the attention of kids as well as thir parents.


Corporate Amusement Services Limited
Unit 10 Newbury Trade Park
Hambridge Road
Newbury, Berkshire
RG14 5PF
01635 529952 info@amusements.co.uk

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