System.InvalidOperationException: No template exists with key '65E7ACCD3304CF21DD858C6BE58E80F0' at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.GetCompiledTemplate(ITemplateKey key, Type modelType, Boolean compileOnCacheMiss) at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.Run(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag) at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.b__0(TextWriter writer) at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter) at Nevoweb.DNN.NBrightBuy.Components.NBrightBuyUtils.RazorRender(Object info, String razorTempl, String templateKey, Boolean debugMode) in F:\DigitalTrading\Projects\_NonActive\Amusements\OpenStore2\openstore\Components\NBrightBuyUtils.cs:line 2204

Konami Dance Dance Revolution A

Are you looking for an unforgettable way to make your next event one to remember? Look no further than our Dance Dance Revolution Arcade game! With a vast selection of high-energy music tracks and up to two players at once, our game is the perfect entertainment solution for any occasion.

Featuring a large, high-definition screen and colorful visuals, our game creates an immersive dance experience that will have your guests moving and grooving all night long. Using our specially designed dance pad controller, you'll match on-screen dance moves with precision, feeling the rush of success with each perfect step.

With multiple difficulty levels and exciting modes like team and battle mode, our game is suitable for dancers of all skill levels. Plus, our team provides all the necessary equipment and set-up, so you can focus on enjoying the party.

Don't settle for an ordinary event – make it a dance party extravaganza with our Dance Dance Revolution Arcade game, available now for hire! Get a free quote today and let us help you create a night that you and your guests will never forget.

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Corporate Amusement Services Limited
Unit 10 Newbury Trade Park
Hambridge Road
Newbury, Berkshire
RG14 5PF
01635 529952

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